Financial Aid
Having a robust financial aid program means that families who would otherwise not be able to afford Step One, can. Step One School is committed to helping families pay for a quality preschool education. Through our annual fund campaign and operating funds, we are able to raise enough money to assist 12-15% of our school families, with financial aid up to 50% of tuition.
Do I qualify?
We use School and Student Services (SSS) by NAIS for help in determining family need for Financial Aid. Financial Aid is usually awarded to families whose income range between $25,000 and $90,000 gross annually. For more information, please see our Financial Assistance Program Guide.
How do I apply?
To apply, you must submit a Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and copy of current tax return to SSS between November 15th and February 1st of each year. The deadline for financial aid applications is February 1st, although families admitted after this are still eligible if funds are available. Announcements are made by June 1st. Step One School’s SSS code is #4240. There is a $48 fee, which can be waived for families demonstrating need.
How long does it take to process my application?
Applications submitted by mail are generally processed by SSS within 3-4 weeks. Applications submitted online are usually processed within 72 hours.
If I already receive financial aid, do I need to reapply every year?
YES. A Parents’ Financial Statement and current tax return needs to be submitted to SSS every year.